Forwarding and customs clearance
Transport-, Forwarding- & On-Site-Handling-Services
Please get in contact with our partner and nominated official sole On-Site-Exhibition Freight Forwarder for all questions regarding transport to and from Moscow, on-site-handling at the fairground and customs procedure:
Panalpina Welttransport GmbH / PAN-FAIRService®
Mr. Volker Baumann
Nagelsweg 37
D-20097 Hamburg / Germany
Direct-Tel. +49 (0) 40 2377 11182
Mobil-Tel. +49 (0) 160 880 5718
Fax +49 (0) 40 2377 11245
Internet www.panalpina.com + www.pfs.de
119, Mira avenue, "All-Russian Exhibition Center",
pavilion #51, Moscow, 129223, Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 980 2186, 101 2274;
Fax: +7 (495) 980 2183